Complaints and Objections Procedure

The purpose of the procedure description is to ensure that complaints and objections are handled properly and within a reasonable time. ECB takes every complaint/objection seriously and works continuously to meet customer expectations.   

Every ECB client can complain related to  a certification service. If a certificate holder or a potential certificate disagrees with a decision made by ECB in regarding a certification, they may appeal.


Complaints and appeals can be addressed to any employee listed under section "Contacts" on our website or to the following postal address:

Lyoner Str. 18.
60528 Frankfurt/Main

The procedural steps in brief:

1.Submission to ECB in German or English language with the following minimum information: 

  • Name of the person filing the complaint or objection  
  • Name of the company (if relevant)  
  • Address and/or email address  
  • Reason for the complaint or objection

    NOTE: If a complaint relates to at least one of the following points, it will be treated as an objection:  

  • Refusal to continue a certification,
  • changes/restriction to the scope of certification, 
  • decisions to deny, suspend or withdraw a certification. 
  • 2.Registration at ECB

    3.Acknowledgement of receipt  

    4.The person responsible for processing initiates the analysis and, if necessary, obtains written comments.

    NOTE: Independence and neutrality are ensured by not involving persons involved in the certification process in the decision on the complaint or objection process  

    5.Decision (on further action) incl. possible corrective action as well as measures for improvement

    6.Feedback on the result and the decision  

    7.  Archiving of the procedure


    Complaints and objections concerning the performance of one of our clients will be forwarded to that client for processing and response. All other complaints and objections will be treated confidentially unless otherwise agreed.